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PolarFit® Ultra-Fine Grinding Mill

A cost-effective way to achieve ultra-fine particles

Our PolarFit® ultra-fine grinding mill is a versatile grinding system that provides a cost-effective way to reduce hard to grind materials to smaller particle sizes than can be achieved with conventional impact mills.

It uses the power of liquid nitrogen to remove heat produced in the grinding process by controlling the temperature of your product or the mill.

The mill generates consistent yields of particles at the required mesh. In some cases, it can produce particles as small as 10 microns.

The mill is ideal for cryogenic size reduction of a wide range of materials.

Download PolarFit® Ultra-Fine-Grinding Mill brochure

Key Benefits Include the Following:

  • Ultra-fine particle size
  • More uniform particle distribution
  • Higher yields of particles in your target range
  • Improved product quality due to minimal or no heat damage
  • Less recycling and lower production costs

The PolarFit® Ultra-Fine-Grinding Mill

Using the cooling power of liquid nitrogen and multiple impact mechanisms, Air Products’ mill can help you achieve:

  • Higher yields of particles in your target range, less recycling
  • More uniform particle size, shape and distribution
  • Fine to coarse particles from soft to hard materials
  • Higher production rates
  • Lower operating cost

How Can Air Products' Ultra Fine Grinding Mill Help with Hard to Grind Materials?​

Size Reduction Mechanisms

Impact, attrition and particle–particle collision to achieve much smaller particle sizes than other mills

Easily Adjustable Grinding Gap

Produces particle sizes from ultrafine to coarse, eliminates the need for other grinding equipment improving efficiency



Turnkey Skid-Mounted Cryogenic System

Individual system components are also available



Ease of Use

Mill has easily adjustable grinding gap for flexibility in particle size

Contact our engineers today

They can help determine which size reduction system configuration is best for your operation.

Contact Us
PolarFit® Ultra-Fine-Grinding Mill

The Air Products Advantage

As a leader in cryogenic applications, we offer complete technical services from our experienced staff and fully equipped facilities:

  • Feasibility and design through start-up and ongoing service
  • Product testing using the ultra-fine-grinding mill at state-of-the-art trial facilities
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