Proven Benefits
Nitrogen atmospheres for coil annealing have significant benefits and advantages vs. exothermic-generated atmospheres, including:
- Improved process control for more consistent product quality
- No upfront capital required
- No maintenance
- No downtime
- Lower safety risk
- No specialized operator training required
- Flow peaking capability for rapid furnace purging (decreased cycle times)
- Elimination of soot buildup, resulting in cleaner furnace interiors
- More available floor space in furnace area

PRISM® Cryogenic Nitrogen Generators
Our range of nitrogen generators includes cryogenic, adsorption, and membrane technologies. We can meet all typical flow, pressure, and purity requirements, providing a highly reliable gas supply at an overall cost savings compared to delivered liquid nitrogen.
PRISM® Cryogenic Nitrogen Generation Systems
Count on Air Products' expertise...
Let us help you determine how to maximize the benefits of nitrogen atmospheres in your coil annealing process.