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最新 LNG 专利

An advancement in the end flash system equipment

Date of Patent: 12/1/2020

The multiple pressure, mixed refrigerant cooling system can increase the capacity and efficiency of the dual mixed refrigerant natural gas liquefaction process. This technology utilizes Air Products’ proven coil wound heat exchanger and is particularly useful for land-based arctic LNG production and floating LNG applications.

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Balancing power in a split mixed refrigerant (MR) liquefaction system

Date of Patent: 4/20/2021

The combined end flash drum and a coil wound exchanger reduces the overall footprint and eliminates the need for large diameter back-end piping. This system is more efficient because of a reduced pressure drop of the lower pressure stream. The coil wound exchanger for end flash service is proven to be very robust and able to withstand the thermal stresses associated with this type of service.

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Natural gas liquefaction technology using a hybrid gas expander and mixed refrigerant cycle

Date of Patent: 12/15/2020

The patent covers a liquefaction cycle utilizing a closed loop cycle that employs gas expander refrigeration for precooling and liquefaction. The final subcooling is provided by a boiling nitrogen-methane mixed refrigerant. This technology is particularly useful for small to mid-scale liquefaction opportunities and where the procurement or production of hydrocarbon refrigerants is difficult.

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New natural gas liquefaction technology

Date of Patent: 12/1/2020

The multiple pressure, mixed refrigerant cooling system can increase the capacity and efficiency of the dual mixed refrigerant natural gas liquefaction process. This technology utilizes Air Products’ proven coil wound heat exchanger and is particularly useful for land-based arctic LNG production and floating LNG applications.

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